-The Hindu Pokhari village in Maharashtra’s Buldhana district continues to reel under a spate of farmer suicides. From 1998 till now, nothing seems to have changed A phone call informing him about the twin suicides of his father and older brother changed 23-year-old Sunil Wagh’s life forever. On September 28, his father Shivaji, 55, and brother Baliram, 28, hung themselves, Shivaji at his farm and Baliram at his home in Pokhari village...
Left Parties to Oppose FDI in Retail in Parliament
-Outlook The issue of FDI in retail is expected to generate a storm in the Winter Session of Parliament beginning next week, with the Left parties today announcing their decision to move motions entailing voting to oppose the government's proposal. At a time when BJP and several other parties have also opposed FDI in retail, the Left leaders said they have appealed to all parties to support the motions in both Houses...
More »In defence of technical panel’s recommendations
-The Hindu Business Line Pushpa M. Bhargava, former Vice-Chairman of National Knowledge Commission, has defended the recommendations of the technical committee, appointed by the Supreme Court, which called for a moratorium on the field trials of genetically modified crops. “The recommendations are in consonance with the increasing evidence and awareness in the two American continents where over 90 per cent of the world’s GM crops are grown that the increasing health problems...
More »Politician Kejriwal losing friends in NGO world
-The Times of India As Arvind Kejriwal makes the shift from the NGO world to that of politics, he faces the tough task of keeping his civil society friends with him. NGO Vidharba Jan Andolan Samiti, which has been active in raising farmers' suicides and other problems in the parched belt, has accused Kejriwal of using it for his political purposes. Kishore Tiwari, who heads the NGO, said, "We were asked to...
More »Gujarat: Cong Alleges Drastic Rise in Suicides in State
-Outlook Ahmedabad: Opposition Congress today alleged there was a drastic rise in number of suicides in Gujarat in the past decade. "37,248 people have committed suicides in Gujarat over last ten years. Everyday, 10 persons take their lives, out of which 6 are male and 4 female," according to a book 'End of Lives: Rise in The Suicide in the So-called Developed Society, Why?', released here today. State Congress leaders claimed that the...
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