-The Hindu Chennai: In a stinging observation, the Madras High Court on Friday said that the loss due to the recent Floods at various places in the State was because of the maladministration in preserving water bodies, waterways and canals. The First Bench made the observation while dismissing a PIL petition filed by Shanmugam, North Chennai secretary of CPI, for a direction to issue pattas to the families who had encroached...
Chennai’s collapse: City caves to high rainfall, make it liveable before plans to make it ‘smart’
-The Times of India Yet another deluge, coming close on the heels of the wettest November Chennai has seen in over a century, is something the city just could not cope with. Heavy rains on November 16 had exposed the appalling state of the civic infrastructure that was totally unprepared to handle the Floods. Clogged and overflowing drains, inundated housing colonies, rotting garbage, electrocutions and roads caving in at many places...
More »Heavy rain torments coastal TN,brings life to a halt in Chennai -K Lakshmi
-The Hindu Army columns, boats deployed to rescue those stranded Very heavy rain returned to Tamil Nadu on Tuesday, battering the already-ravaged coastal areas and bringing life to a grinding halt in Puducherry and Chennai. Heavy rain in the catchment areas of the Chembarambakkam reservoir (25 centimetres between 8.30 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. on Tuesday) forced the authorities to discharge water at the rate of 20,000 cubic feet per second into the Adyar...
More »How the world’s big cities are fighting climate change, together -Shivani Singh
-Hindustan Times If you thought climate change was only about melting glaciers and sinking islands, you have underestimated it. A report by C40, a global network of 82 megacities--including Delhi--committed to fighting climate change, says that at least 70% of these urban centres are already affected by climate change. Not all of them are coast or hill towns. As population is increasing in these megacities, rising pollution, growing congestion and mounting waste...
More »Climate change summit: PM carries Tamil Nadu rains with him to Paris -CDS Mani
-The Times of India CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu rains took centre stage on Sunday with Prime Minister Narendra Modi making a special mention about it on the eve of his departure to Paris for the climate change summit. In his 'Mann ki Baat' address over Akashvani (AIR) that was highlighted by all official media including Doordarshan, Modi spoke of the unprecedented rainfall in Tamil Nadu within a short time span as an example...
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