-The Indian Express The country has one IAS or IPS officer among every 5.73 lakh Muslims, compared to one among every 1.08 lakh non-Muslims. Muslims make up 3.46 per cent of the country's 8,417 IAS and IPS officers. Of 292 Muslim officers, 160 are among 5,862 who had cracked the UPSC exams, while the remaining 132 are among 2,555 who were promoted to the IAS or IPS from the state civil services...
Domino effect of poor monsoon -Gargi Parsai
-The Hindu A welter of problems may be in store for the country These are testing times for the Narendra Modi government in the farm and food sector: the south-west (June-September) monsoon is delayed, deficient and weak; kharif sowing, much of which is rain-fed, is lagging by over 17 per cent over last year; rising food prices are pushing up inflation and pulling down growth. Right now the prices of only perishable...
More »The world of Green NGOs is as complex as the corporate one -Nitin Sethi
-The Business Standard Foreign direct investment in the NGO sector is, in fact, no different from the cross-holdings and the FDI web of the corporate world ClimateWorks, one of the two international non-governmental organisations (NGOs) recently restricted by the National Democratic Alliance government from funding Greenpeace India Society in India, also funds another NGO, Global International, which, till recently, was headed in India by Union Environment and Forests minister Prakash Javadekar. When...
More »‘Compensation’ plays havoc with riot-hit women -Rahul Pandita
-The Hindu Married for the compensation, these women were rejected when the state did not pay Muzaffarnagar (UP): A lie floated by a junior Minister in the Akhilesh Yadav government in Uttar Pradesh has created serious trouble for many women among the riot-affected Muslim families in Muzaffarnagar. They have been thrown out by their husbands, who have accused them of hiding compensation money that they never got. After the riots last September, a...
More »Aadhaar and the rhetoric of fear -Praveen Chakravarty
-The Indian Express Five years on, we need to examine our xenophobic reactions and paranoia of the intrusive state. Five years and Rs 4,000 crore ($800mn) later, there is a pregnant pause. "Are you who you claim you are?" is a question that more than 60 crore Indian residents can now answer with integrity. Twenty-three out of the 36 states and Union territories of India can now verify the authenticity of more...
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