-The Indian Express Lucknow: Indiscriminate extraction of groundwater is continuing unabated in Uttar Pradesh with the number of blocks over-exploiting the natural resource registering three-fold hike in seven years. Number of such blocks is now pegged at 111, as per the latest data compiled by the Uttar Pradesh Ground Water Department for 2011. The groundwater data is compiled by the department every two years and analysed, before being released. As per...
MMDR Act set for a revamp, government may issue an ordinance to allocate minerals through auctions -Meera Mohanty
-The Economic Times BHUBANESWAR: The Cabinet will soon consider amendments to the mining and minerals development and Regulation (MMDR) Act, which will extend the reforms under way in the coal sector to minerals such as iron ore and bauxite, according to industry sources familiar with proposed changes in the 57-yearold law. The changes in the MMDR Act, which would stipulate that minerals other than coal, henceforth will also be allocated though...
More »Improving Healthcare Services at Reduced Prices -Meeta Rajivlochan
-Economic and Political Weekly The key to improving the quality of healthcare services in India and reducing costs at the same time can be found by enacting legislation which lays down minimum standards of patient care. In the absence of such standards and the reluctance of health insurance companies to standardise either price or quality, healthcare services continue to be expensive and of doubtful quality. Developing standards of patient care by...
More »More girls being born, but fewer surviving -Subodh Varma
-The Times of India There is good news and bad news on one of the key problems that haunts India - survival of the girl child. Sex ratio at birth, that is, the number of girls born for every 1000 boys born, has inched up from 906 to 909 between 2007 and 2013. This suggests that female feticide, the monstrous practice of killing off the girl baby in the mothers' womb...
More »NITI Aayog will set policy agenda -Puja Mehra
-The Hindu PM Modi to head panel that will give strategic advice On the first day of the New Year, the Modi Government set up NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India) in place of the Planning Commission. The Prime Minister will head the new institution tasked with the role of formulating policies and direction for the Government. Its Governing Council will comprise State Chief Ministers and Lt. Governors of Union Territories. The...
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