-The Indian Express Prime Minister Narendra Modi has directed the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) to ensure "universal coverage" under Aadhaar by June 2015. According to government officials, the PM set the deadline at a high-level meeting chaired by him in the first week of September. The target was reiterated in the minutes of the meeting circulated to all the concerned departments. Directions have also been issued to the Registrar General...
Banks Finally Give ‘Debt Relief’ to AP Government
-The New Indian Express HYDERABAD: In a much-awaited relief to the cash-starved Andhra Pradesh government, the State Level Bankers' Committee (SLBC) on Tuesday reportedly agreed to accept its offer of upfront payment of 20 per cent outstanding crop loans of eligible farmers. The SLBC has constituted a sub-committee to look into proposals made by the Andhra Pradesh government on the modalities of crop loan waiver scheme and after a thorough discussion, finally...
More »Grim tales of agrarian distress -R Avadhani
-The Hindu Sangareddy (Telengana): As many as 44 farmers have committed suicides in the last few months in Medak district after taking loans from private financiers Rachaboyina Balagoud was 55 years and belonged to Mylaram village in Wargal mandal. He had about one-and-a-half acres of land. He took loans to the tune of Rs. 12 lakh from various sources, including banks, and a private financer. He had sunk as many as 12...
More »Made in India, by small enterprises -Charan Singh
-The Hindu The Prime Minister's call for making India a manufacturing hub and creating jobs should boost small and medium enterprises as well Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ‘Make in India' campaign is creating waves both in India and abroad. Given the government's intention to boost domestic manufacturing and create new jobs, its proposal to introduce a new policy for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) deserves a closer look. While Mr. Modi's...
More »Aadhaar has enrolled one –fourth of UP’s residents, Crosses 5 Crore mark
-Press Information Bureau Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has enrolled one-fourth of the Uttar Pradesh population having generated more than five crore Aadhaar numbers against a population of 19.95 Crore of Uttar Pradesh (as per Census 2011). UIDAI crossed the Five Crore mark in Uttar Pradesh this week in its second phase, which was started for residents of Uttar Pradesh through various non-State registrars (Banks, NSDL, et al) and their...
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