-Hindustan Times In the states ruled by the BJP, elaborate security arrangements have been made to prevent farmer bodies and opposition parties to disrupt normal life. Additional security forces have been deployed in all districts in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Uttarakhand and Bihar. The 10-hour Bharat Bandh on Monday may disrupt road and rail traffic in states ruled by opposition parties as they are supporting the call for a general strike...
Modi’s net worth ₹3.07 crore, rises by ₹22 lakh, as per his latest declaration -Saubhadra Chatterji
-Hindustan Times PM Modi, like many ministers, doesn’t have any stock market exposure and his investments continue to be in the form of National Savings Certificate ( ₹8.9 lakh), life insurance policies ( ₹1.5 lakh) and L&T infrastructure bonds, which he bought in 2012 for ₹20,000 Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s net worth is ₹3.07 crore as per his latest declaration, a rise of ₹22 lakh from last year’s ₹2.85 crore, according to...
More »2011 caste census data unusable: Centre to Supreme Court -Utkarsh Anand
-Hindustan Times The Centre also told the court that it is also against collecting any information on castes or backward classes, other than Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, during the upcoming population census in 2022 The caste census conducted in 2011 is “unusable” for any official purpose on account of grave “inaccuracies” in its data, the Union government has told the Supreme Court, while adding it is also against collecting any information...
More »Delhi Master Plan 2041: How can planners create a worker-friendly city? -Malavika Narayan, Shalini Sinha & Avi Singh Majithia
-Scroll.in The economic vision laid out in the plan is divorced from the realities of urban employment in Delhi. In Delhi, the unplanned and the informal are not the exception. A vast section of the city’s residents live in informal settlements, and eight out of 10 workers are informally employed. Insecurity of work and tenure marks their day-to-day existence. Whether it be vending on the streets, picking and sorting waste from people’s...
More »The dark underbelly of Punjab’s liquor problem -Srishti Jaswal
-Scroll.in Over 100 people died after consuming illicit liquor in 2020. The police have implicated two brothers, but the trade runs deep in the state’s political economy. On the night of June 23, 2021, the sounds of qawwali rang out from a Sufi shrine in Dhotian, a village in Punjab’s Tarn Taran district. The brutal second wave of the coronavirus pandemic hadn’t yet receded, but hundreds were in attendance at the shrine,...
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