-The Hindu At present, it is being sold at Rs. 190–200 a kg in retail stores To be sold at Rs. 110 a kg through Coop. outlets Chennai: Starting Sunday, consumers in major cities in the State can procure toor dhal at Rs. 110 a kilo. Chief Minister Jayalalithaa had recently announced that imported toor dhal would be made available through 91 cooperative outlets. She had made the announcement following a steep increase in...
Is Madhya Pradesh losing its pulse? -LS Herdenia
-IPA Service Soya bean damage leads to more woes There was a time when Madhya Pradesh was known as "Soya Pradesh". But from this year Madhya Pradesh will cease to be so. Similarly Madhya Pradesh was a leading state for production of all types of Pulses. But at present the state is facing severe scarcity of Pulses. Soya crops have been ruined, this fact has been accepted by the Chief Minister Shivraj Singh...
More »The Pulses crisis: why reinvent the wheel? -Roshan Kishore
-Livemint.com The shortfall in pulse production is expected to be around 2 million tonnes this year Under siege over sky-rocketing pulse prices, especially when the crucial Bihar elections are underway, the Centre initially blamed the state governments for the situation at hand for failing to crack down on hoarders. According to news reports, more than 80,000 tonnes of Pulses have been recovered in raids across states in the last week or...
More »Pulse rate triggers alarm -Piyush Kumar Tripathi
-The Telegraph Satyanand Singh, a grocery store owner at Aneesabad, is selling arhar dal at Rs 200 per kg, while Ashiana Nagar-based shopkeeper Deepak Kumar sells the same at Rs 190 per kg. Mohammad Rafi of Boring Road has been selling arhar dal at Rs 190 per kg and the rate for the same at Vishal Mega Mart on Fraser Road is Rs 194 per kg. As soaring prices of arhar dal (pigeon...
More »Order on Pulses stock limit not trade distortion, India tells US
-PTI The issue was raised by the American side during the US-India Trade Policy Forum meeting Washington: India has said that the recent order that removed "stock limit exemptions" for Pulses held by importers as part of its effort to address the shortage of Pulses and prevent undue hoarding is "not a trade distortion". The issue was raised by the American side during the US-India Trade Policy Forum meeting here after the US...
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