-PTI On the back foot over the chit fund scam in West Bengal, Trinamool Congress on Thursday raised questions over the role of a senior chennai-based lawyer who happens to be wife of the Union finance minister. Sudipta Sen, chairman of the scandal-ridden Saradha group, who was arrested two days ago, has said in a purported letter to CBI that politicians, journalists and lawyers had blackmailed him and taken money assuring him...
1 million trees raised in 5 districts -P Oppili
-The Hindu Carbon credit system paying rich dividends to farmers too chennai: In a silent afforestation campaign, a private company has successfully raised more than a million trees on private lands in five districts in the State and recorded a survival rate of 90 per cent. Giving details to The Hindu about the successful planting of saplings and raising them to trees, A. Joseph Rexon, Director, TIST Tree Planting India programme, said it...
More »Private players hesitant on public projects after new RTI ruling -Christin Mathew Philip & Ishan Srivastava
-The Times of India chennai: The Centre's recent decision to disclose information related to public-private partnerships (PPP) to RTI applicants may throw a spanner in the works of several infrastructure projects. While RTI activists have hailed the move saying it would usher in greater accountability, private players are cold to the idea as they apprehend the use of RTI to create opposition to projects. Industrial sources said most private firms are not...
More »Rs.1,755-crore drought relief package for non-delta farmers
-The Hindu Assessment by high-level committee based on interactions with farmers chennai: A Rs.1,755-crore package of drought relief measures was unveiled on Friday for non-Cauvery delta districts in the State. Of this package, six components were meant for about 17.9 lakh farmers, who had suffered over 50 per cent crop loss. The farmers, for a variety of crops, would receive a total compensation of Rs. 835.21 crore. Making an announcement in the Assembly, Chief...
More »Soon, pay your traffic challan online -Pradeep Thakur
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Traffic challans will very soon be paid online across the country and will not constitute a court case. The government has written to all states to make online payment of traffic challans mandatory and the ministry of road transport and highways is likely to issue a directive to take challan cases out of the domain of courts. After the intervention of the Prime Minister's Office, the...
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