-The Hindu In separate incidents, two people were killed by tigers in Kumram Bheem Asifabad district of Telangana in a span of just 20 days in November last year. While the tiger population has increased, habitats have diminished leading to more man-animal conflicts, reports Swathi Vadlamudi Pedda Vagu, the sinuous stream which originates in the Kerameri Hills of the Kumram Bheem Asifabad district in north Telangana, was a silent spectator of a...
Fish Industry in West Bengal in Troubled Waters -Shoma A Chatterji
-TheCitizen.in Fish lovers in West Bengal may soon be threatened with a scarcity in the supply of fish or rise in price or both. The fishermen and the trawler owners are very angry. Without giving a thought to the consequences of a continuous arbitrary rise in the price of diesel, petrol, kerosene and cooking gas by the central government has led to severe disbalance in the finance and employment sector in the...
More »PhD entry in IITs tougher for students from marginalised communities -Pon Vasanth BA
-The Hindu Despite official policy, OBC, SC and ST applicants less likely to gain admission as compared to those from General Categories Chennai: Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe applicants are half as likely to get selected for a Ph.D. programme at leading IITs in the country as aspirants from the General Category (GC) are. Data collated from a series of RTI applications, including from The Hindu, on the number of applicants versus the...
More »The agonising cost of ham-handed development -Nachiket Chanchani
-The Hindu India’s leaders must recommit themselves to the ideas and activism of environmentalists involved with Uttarakhand Following flash floods at Chamoli in Uttarakhand, defence personnel are looking for missing persons in a mélange of rock, mud, water, and debris, airlifting rations to inaccessible villages, and repairing bridges and telecommunication networks. Social scientists are assessing the disaster’s impact on the region’s economy. Scientists and policy makers are debating whether climate change or...
More »In the Twitter-govt faceoff, an undemocratic provision of law is being applied to its maximum threshold -Apar Gupta
-The Indian Express It leaves a sense of confusion and wonder about why our own government formed under the Constitution may be failing to fulfil its obligations when strangers who trade in our data for profit are seemingly more eager. The growing digitisation of Indian society is reflective in the ongoing protests by farmers. Battles are being waged every day in gram sabhas and protest sites as well on social media. Each...
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