—PTI The Bombay High Court on Monday allowed the Times Now news channel to furnish a corporate guarantee instead of a bank guarantee of Rs. 80 crore in connection with the defamation case filed by former Supreme Court judge P.B. Sawant. Times Global Broadcasting Company (TGBC), which runs Times Now, had sought modification of the High Court's September order, wherein it was asked to deposit Rs. 20 crore with the Court, and...
Boost investment to tackle price rise: Farmers tell FM
-The Economic Times Farm sector has sought reforms in supply chain infrastructure, rationalisation of subsidies, decentralised handling of foodgrain, and higher resources to farm productivity and ensure food security. Presenting its pre-budget wish list to the Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, a delegation of farmers and sector experts said there was a need to boost investment in farm sector to tackle food inflation. Farm sector growth is likely to be 3-3.5% in 11th...
More »Online push for distance learning by Basant Kumar Mohanty
A government-appointed panel has suggested launching online higher education courses, a step experts said would not only widen access to knowledge but also check irregularities in distance learning. Apart from permission to universities and deemed universities to offer courses through the Internet, the committee has recommended that the government set up a Distance Education Council of India (DECI) as regulator. Fourteen open universities and 172 other institutions now offer distance education to...
More »Prof. Mohan Gopal, director, Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies, New Delhi interviewed by V Venkatesan
PROFESSOR Mohan Gopal, director of the Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies (RGICS), New Delhi, is a strong proponent of the government's Lokpal Bill. The RGICS provided key inputs to the making of the government's Lokpal Bill and the Constitution Amendment Bill. Prof. Mohan Gopal, a scholar in constitutional law, headed the National Judicial Academy, Bhopal, for five years and the National Law School, Bangalore. He was appointed by Parliament...
More »Prashant Bhushan, Senior Advocate and member of Team Anna interviewed by V Venkatesan
PRASHANT BHUSHAN, a member of Team Anna and a Senior Advocate of the Supreme Court, has been a vociferous critic of the government's Lokpal Bill at every stage. He answers, in an interview to Frontline, questions raised by Members of Parliament during the recent debate on the Lokpal Bill in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha and enunciates the challenges ahead of the movement for an effective Lokpal. Excerpts: The government's...
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