-The Hindu The Bharatiya Janata Party, which differs with several clauses of the new Lokpal Bill, would move a number of amendments, including one seeking supervisory and administrative control of the CBI under the Lokpal when the Bill comes up for discussion and passage in the Lok Sabha on December 27. The Leader of the Opposition, Sushma Swaraj, has already gone on record at the time of introduction of the Bill on...
Welfare wisdom
-The Indian Express The Congress’s long-deferred promise, the food security bill, has been cleared by the cabinet and will now be debated and refined in Parliament. For all its formidable complexity, the draft bill is evasive on some of the fundamentals, like exactly who will be served by the subsidy. Though it has moved away from a narrowly targeted, tightly rationed approach and now intends to make cheap foodgrain readily available to...
More »How to use the existing RTI Act of India to query the private sector by Veeresh Malik
Chances of a single answer to two opposing questions on the RTI Act means there is something to it which the rule-books don’t tell you about—but you can bowl googlies to them, too, when the system expects you to hold a straight bat to their bouncers Here is a single answer to two diametrically opposite questions—“Yes, you can file an application under the Right to Information Act of India 2005 (RTI...
More »It's a travesty of food security, says CPI(M) by Gargi Parsai
Bill will come up for discussion in the Cabinet on Monday, says K.V. Thomas Even as the Communist Party of India (Marxist) on Friday said the proposed National Food Security Bill was “unacceptable,” Minister of State for Food K.V. Thomas indicated that legislation was coming up for discussion in the Cabinet on Monday. The CPI(M) has demanded the removal of the linking of entitlements to reforms in the public distribution system from...
More »Key rules flouted in (Bhushans) Noida farmhouse allotments: UP govt audit by Maulshree Seth
Remember the over 100 farmhouse plots allotted in Noida measuring at least 10,000 sq m each without an auction or a draw of lots, including two to Supreme Court advocate Shanti Bhushan and his son Jayant Bhushan? An audit has now found that not only was there no transparency in the allotment of these plots — 101 in all — but that the Noida Authority had fixed a very low rate,...
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