-The Times of India MUMBAI: Currency in circulation touched a new high of Rs 20.65 lakh crore on January 18, 2019, way above the pre-demonetisation high of Rs 17.97 lakh crore. The increase in currency usage points to a recovery in 'informality' in the economy as the government goes easy on goods and services tax compliance and businesses continue using cash, according to Pranjul Bhandari, chief economist, India, HSBC. The acceleration of...
India Does Have a Real Employment Crisis -- And it's Worsening -Santosh Mehrotra
-TheWire.in Manufacturing jobs actually fell in absolute terms from 58.9 million in 2011-12 to 48.3 million in 2015-16. Economists have been writing for some months that, contrary to the claims of the government, there is plenty of data available that shows unmistakably that unemployment is high and rising. Educated unemployment has worsened just as young people are getting better educated, and expect to work outside agriculture in industry and services. We have done this...
More »There's a hole in the data -Kiran Bhatty & Dipa Sinha
-The Indian Express The state has failed to create capacities for a timely, reliable, decentralised data regime. The credibility of India’s data systems is under serious threat with the recent controversy over the employment data of the National Sample Survey. While the Census of India and the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) have a good reputation, when it comes to data related to the social sector — health, education, nutrition —...
More »No Correct System of Collecting Job Data, Says PM After Report Showed 45-Year Unemployment High
-News18.com Citing data from provident fund and National Pension System (NPS), Income Tax filings and sale of vehicles among others, the Prime Minister said crores of jobs had been created in the last four and half year. New Delhi: Facing criticism over lack of job creation by his government, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday rejected allegations of rising unemployment and said crores of new jobs have been created in formal...
More »Numbers That Count: An Assessment of the Union Budgets of NDA II -CBGA
-Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA) The Interim Union Budget 2019-20, the last budget presented by the incumbent government, comes at a time when the economy is beset with myriad problems. Among the various challenges facing the economy, perhaps the most critical are those related to the acute agrarian distress, burgeoning unemployment and slowing down of the economy. While it is true that many of these problems began prior to...
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