-The Hindu Business Line The number of cases of novel coronavirus will increase after Lockdown 4.0 ends, warned V Ravi, Head of Neurovirology, National Institute of Mental Health & Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), and nodal officer in the Karnataka Health Task Force for Covid-19 cited in the New Indian Express report. “The country has not yet witnessed the spike in cases. The numbers will go up from June onwards after Lockdown 4.0 ends...
Government, experts differ on low death-rate reason -GS Mudur
-The Telegraph Centre says good management, researchers not so sure India’s death rate among coronavirus disease patients is among the lowest in the world, the health ministry said on Tuesday, attributing it to early detection and clinical management, but health researchers cautioned that reasons remain unclear. The health ministry, releasing comparative figures, said the country’s case fatality rate — the number of deaths divided by the number of cases — is 2.8 per...
More »India powers surge in global autocracy -Anita Joshua
-The Telegraph 'It is on the verge of losing status as a democracy due to shrinking space for media and civil society' More people are living under autocracies than under democracies across the world and India’s “steep decline” on democratic traditions despite electoral politics is a contributing factor to the global surge in autocratisation. India has also been put among the top 10 autocratising countries. This is one of the conclusions of a study...
More »India in danger zone as locusts breed 400 times than usual -Ishan Kukreti
-Down to Earth Attacks by desert locusts are threatening India, Iran and Pakistan, as well as the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea region Desert locusts are breeding 400 times than usual due to favourable climatic conditions, according to a report by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). This explosive multiplication may spell disaster for large parts of Asia and Africa. Favourable climatic conditions for the pests have resulted in their multiplication,...
More »A case of complicity -Sevanti Ninan
-The Telegraph How did unorganized labour become invisible? Thanks to a humongous oversight on the part of the government, India’s unorganized labour has suddenly become a vivid, long-running story. Photographers walk with families undertaking unimaginable journeys. Reporters tail them in SUVs. Their faces and daily tragedies have dominated newspaper headlines and television news for two months running, something nobody would have ever thought possible. Since when did hyperventilating news channels focus on...
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