-The Hindu Anand Joshi, a rural development fellow under CM’s programme, helped bring State Transport buses, and electricity after 70 years to a remote village in Amravati Mumbai: Anand Joshi (26), an MBA from MIT, Pune open university is reverently referred to as khambewala saab in Bulumgavan village in Amravati district. He finds the tag both daunting and amusing: “They call me that because of the electric poles that stand in their...
Election Commission can't regulate content of media article, says High Court -Anubhuti Vishnoi
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: Dealing a second blow to the Election Commission’s position on an issue in less than six months, the Delhi High Court has last week set aside the EC order disqualifying BJP’s Cabinet minister in Madhya Pradesh Narottam Mishra, on grounds of paid news. The latest HC order could draw a red line for the EC on the subject of ‘paid news’ as it says that the Commission’s...
More »Poverty: The direct approach isn't always best -Bjorn Lomborg & Manorama Bakshi
-Livemint.com It is important to give preference to those approaches that help the poor the most for every rupee spent, no matter how they are labelled Sometimes in life, it is clear that the direct approach isn’t the best one. This is true in many areas, even when it comes to policymaking. Take, as an example, the area of extreme poverty. It seems logical, at first, that the most effective response should...
More »Dr. Samir Chaudhuri, paediatrician and founder of Child in Need Institute (CINI), interviewed by Civil Society News (New Delhi)
-Civil Society News New Delhi: In 1974, Dr Samir Chaudhuri, a paediatrician working in Kolkata’s slums, founded Child in Need Institute (CINI) to tackle the many dimensions of child malnutrition. It struck him at the time that malnutrition wasn’t just a clinical problem but a complex phenomenon rooted in gender issues. Over the years, led by Dr Chaudhuri, CINI developed deep understanding of the social, economic and political underpinnings of malnutrition...
More »Non-agricultural jobs pay better than the agrarian ones, on average, though wage rates vary across different rural occupations
If someone is a rural male, what occupation would he prefer? A rational person might say that depending on the highest prevailing daily wage rate in a particular occupation (which is subject to seasonal variation) vis-à-vis the rest, he will make his choice. An exercise undertaken by the Inclusive Media for Change team based on the latest available month-wise wage data of rural men shows that there is a seasonal variation...
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