Barely a month after being appointed Karnataka's anti-corruption ombudsman, Lokayukta Shivaraj V. Patil finds himself embroiled in allegations of impropriety in acquiring valuable sites in Bangalore. He was allotted a 9,600-sq.ft. plot at Allasandra in the Karnataka State Judicial Department Employees' House Building cooperative Society in September 1994 and his wife was allotted a 4,012-sq.ft. plot at Nagawara in the Vyalikaval House Building cooperative Society in October 2006. Documents available with The...
Rs 65,000cr loan waiver fails to make farmers debt-free
-DNA The Centre's debt relief scheme for the farmers has given anything but relief to the poor farmers. Despite the Rs 65,318.33-crore Agricultural Debt Waiver and Debt Relief Scheme (ADWDRS) launched by the UPA with much fanfare in 2008, nearly 43.42 million (48.6 per cent) of the 89.35 million farmer households are still in debt. This is the finding of National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) report on 'Indebtedness of Farmers Household'. The scheme benefited...
More »Third consecutive drought: Farmer ends life
-The Indian Express The rain gods seem to have ignored the once-fertile region of Sambalpur with farmers fighting drought for the third successive cultivating season. The drought situation led yet another farmer of Western Orissa to end his life, third in a week. The two deaths earlier this week were reported from Bargarh district. On Friday, a 25-year-old farmer, Samir Kumar Naik of Ramtileimal village in Paruabhadi gram panchayat under Kuchinda block...
More »Wombs for rent by Anupama Katakam
The absence of a law regulating surrogacy makes India, especially Anand, a top destination for couples from abroad. UNTIL about 2008, the future looked bleak for Sharadaben Solanki. A landless daily-wage worker in Anand, Gujarat, she earned a paltry Rs.600 a month. Her husband earned an equal amount working as a construction labourer. Together the couple supported three children and their parents. That was when she heard from Maganbhai, the owner of...
More »MP govt to bring transparency in PDS: Minister
-PTI Madhya Pradesh cooperative and Public Health Minister Gaurishankar Bisen today said efforts would be undertaken to bring transparency and accountability in the public distribution system (PDS) in the state.The bio-metric cards or coupons would be used in the entire state with the online computer system to be implemented in the PDS, Bisen told reporters at BJP office here.Informing that bio-metric cards are currently being used as a pilot project in...
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