Indian Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram is the nation's domestic security chief, overseeing a broad portfolio that includes battling a homegrown Maoist insurgency and routing out terrorists. The 65-year-old, a veteran of the ruling Congress Party who previously held senior economic posts and played a key role in the country's post-1991 liberalization, is considered a future contender for the post of prime minister. Recently, he spoke to The Wall Street Journal. Here...
Pitch forking the farmer into the marketplace by Shailendra Sinha
The face of agriculture in India is changing fast. It needs to become not only sustainable but also profitable for farmers especially the young to stay on the land and cultivate it. The farmers must understand how markets respond to agricultural produce. He should not stop by spending all his life's energy and resources on creating the agricultural produce, but should know how to get good returns for his efforts. This is...
More »Jhum cultivation must stay with us!!! by ZK Pahrii Pou
These days, Jhum cultivation also known as ‘slash and burn method of cultivation’, ‘shifting cultivation’ etc has been under continuous scanner for its productivity and ecological viability. This form of cultivation is followed widely in almost all the North Eastern States including the hill areas of Manipur. There are those who consider jhum cultivation as unproductive and ecologically disastrous so that people (understood as tribal people of the hill areas)...
More »Rampant speculations in commodity mkts hit poor nations:UNCTAD
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) today cautioned on rampant speculations in the global commodity markets which is fuelling unprecedented price hikes around the world, with worst effects on poor countries such as India. "Financial speculation in global commodities trade is a source for concern as it contributed to steep price hikes," UNCTAD's Secretary General Supachai Panitchpakdi said on the sidelines of a special meeting convened by UNCTAD...
More »Carve-outs that distort by TS Vishwanath
India’s negotiating strategy on agriculture at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) seems to be moving from a defensive to a more engaging position with the release of two interesting discussion papers by the Centre of WTO Studies of the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT). The two studies that were released by India’s chief negotiator at the WTO this week are a signal that India may now move towards seeking answers...
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