-The Hindu In the backdrop of the ongoing agitation against nuclear power at Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu and several other areas of the country, the Union Cabinet's Committee on Security has reiterated that the safety of nuclear power plants is “a matter of the highest priority” for the government. The panel, which reviewed the safety of nuclear power plants at a meeting here on Thursday, said the government had decided to invite...
Ramanujan essay dropped to save PM another headache? by Neha Pushkarna
October 9 was a Sunday. An unusual day to call an Emergency meeting of Delhi University's academic council. The main agenda was fairly routine stuff: approval of certain courses. However, tucked away as supplementary agenda was a proposal to do away with A K Ramanujan's essay, 'Three Hundred Ramayanas' from the history course - a proposal that was passed, triggering one of the fiercest debates in recent times in the academic...
More »Dream-health test for govt by GS Mudur
The Planning Commission has received a sweeping set of recommendations that proposes free health care and medicines for diverse needs to all Indian citizens, irrespective of economic means. Whether or to what extent the proposals — described as “even bigger” than the UPA’s blockbuster job scheme — will be accepted will depend on the political and executive leadership. If the government throws its weight behind the initiative, it will effectively mean...
More »Government firm on FDI in retail, may at best defer decision by Smita Gupta
The United Progressive Alliance government appeared determined on Monday not to roll back its decision to permit foreign direct investment (FDI) in the multi-brand retail sector, despite intense pressure from allies and the Opposition alike, not to mention the Congress' Uttar Pradesh unit which faces an uphill task in next year's Assembly polls. At best, sources said, the government might postpone a decision on its implementation by referring it to an...
More »Callous and creepy hospitals
-The Telegraph An elderly woman who was brought to a Burdwan hospital today with abdominal pain died of heart attack following a three-hour delay in treatment during which she was allegedly refused admission in the Emergency ward and her son forced to cart her across departments, buy a ticket to see a doctor and stand in a queue. After the death of Ulangini Das, who had been diagnosed with gall bladder stones...
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