-The Indian Express On Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will roll out the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY), which will provide an annual health cover of Rs 5 lakh for 50 crore people in 26 states. Mewat: LEANING BACK on a steel chair at City Care Hospital in Nuh, Mohammed Haneef is patiently waiting for a doctor to treat his “throat pain”, unsure of what the bill will finally add up...
Dry Bundelkhand gets rain bounty, acreage up by 5% to 1.1 mn hectares -Virendra Singh Rawat
-Business Standard The total kharif crop acreage in UP now stands at more than 9 Mn Ha, including 6 Mn Ha of paddy and 1.7 Mn Ha of pulses Lucknow: Bountiful rainfall in arid Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh has not only ended the drought spell of previous years but has also translated into the kharif acreage rising by almost 50,000 hectares this year. The area under different kharif (summer) crops across 7...
More »The life and death of Kedar Singh Jindan -Gaurav Sarkar
-Newslaundry.com He was a crusader for Dalit rights and rattled Himachal Pradesh’s caste-ridden society. Sitting behind the polished wooden desk in his office, Sirmaur’s Superintendent of Police (SP) Rohit Malpani looked like a man who hadn’t had a good night's sleep in days but wore a look of slight satisfaction. The Director General of Police had just left Sirmaur Police Station after holding a press conference earlier during the day. “This is...
More »Bezwada Wilson, national convenor of the Safai Karamchari Andolan, interviewed by Ahan Penkar
-Caravan Magazine On 9 September 2018, five sanitation workers died due to inhalation of toxic fumes while cleaning a sewage tank in West Delhi. Several media reports regarding the incident noted that the men did not have any safety gear, indicating that the unavailability of equipment led to their death. The police reportedly registered a case against theengineer who was in charge of managing the sewage tank,under Sections 304 and 304A...
More »RTI: In Uttar Pradesh, no rupee spent from PM's maternity scheme
-IANS While the number of beneficiaries stand at more than 34 lakh across the country, not a single woman in Uttar Pradesh has received payment under the maternity scheme, the RTI reply showed Not a rupee of government money has been spent on pregnant and lactating women enrolled under the Prime Minister Narendra Modi's much-hyped maternity benefit scheme till August 2018 in the most populous state of Uttar Pradesh (UP), which happens...
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