-The Times of India BJP on Saturday said inclusion of all Indian residents in the Unique Identification (UID) number scheme would present a threat to the nation's security by giving illegal migrants rights of citizens. "In many parts of India, infiltrators from Bangladesh are there, there are people from pakistan living in parts, they are not citizens of India, but terror, trouble and destabilization is fomented by them," party spokesperson Ravi Shankar...
Superpower? 230 million Indians go hungry daily by Subodh Varma
With 21% of its population undernourished, nearly 44% of under-5 children underweight and 7% of them dying before they reach five years, India is firmly established among the world's most hunger-ridden countries. The situation is better than only Congo, Chad, Ethiopia or Burundi, but it is worse than Sudan, North Korea, pakistan or Nepal. This is according to the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) which combines the above three indicators...
More »India on track to become polio-free, says UN health agency
-The United Nations With no registered polio cases over the past year, India is on course to becoming free of the disease, the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) reported today. If all pending samples for the virus test negative, India – once regarded as the world’s epicentre for polio – will become free of the disease for the first time in its history, reducing the number of polio-endemic countries to three:...
More »India on vigil for new enemy from LoC: Poliovirus by Kounteya Sinha
India has not recorded a single case of polio in 12 months - the longest ever. However, the Indian strain of wild poliovirus imported by several other countries like Angola, Lebanon, Tajikistan, Bangladesh and Namibia has caused multiple outbreaks in the last decade. The strain crippling children in Congo- 92 cases in 2011 - also came from India. "India exported poliovirus to other countries in the past and is now at risk of...
More »pakistani flag hoisting was a Hindutva plot to foment strife, police say by Pradeepkumar Kadkol
With the arrest of another Hindutva activist on Tuesday in connection with the hoisting of a pakistani flag in front of the Tahsildar office at Sindagi in Karnataka on January 1, the number of persons held by the police for what they believe was a plot to foment communal strife has increased to seven. The arrested are members of Sri Ram Sene, a pro-Hindutva outfit. According to the police, they allegedly...
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