-The Hindu With extensive screening, lockdown, COVID-19 hotbed Karanja brings down the cases from 134 to one Navi Mumbai has reported more than 4,000 COVID-19 cases, with a recovery rate of around 57%. But in the adjoining Uran, one village has managed to bring its recovery rate to 99.2%, with only one patient currently under treatment. Karanja village, which has eight padas and a population of around 10,000, had reported as many as...
Locked up during lockdown -Smita Chakraburtty
-The Telegraph Unlike our lives in this period, a prisoner’s life is ruled by distrust, unfamiliarity, uncertainty and little hope for a better future India has been in a lockdown for more than a 100 days, which has confined many people to their homes for the longest period they can remember. Some are working from home while others have lost their jobs and been thrown into economic uncertainty. Many people are comparing...
More »Uttar Pradesh employed 57.13 lakh under MGNREGA, ‘highest in country’ -Maulshree Seth
-The Indian Express Additional Chief Secretary (Home) Awanish Kumar Awasthi said UP now accounts for 18 per cent of the total workers employed under MGNREGA in the country and has generated 7.93 crore man-days. Lucknow: The Uttar Pradesh government on Monday said that it has engaged 57.13 lakh workers under the MGNREGS, thereby emerging as the top state in the country to give employment under the rural employment guarantee scheme. Briefing mediapersons here,...
More »Climate report predicts hotter, rainier days -Jacob Koshy
-The Hindu Forecasting model from IITM, Pune, says heat waves likely to be three or four times higher India’s first ever national forecast on the impact of global warming on the subcontinent in the coming century, expects annual rainfall to increase, along with more severe cyclones and — paradoxically — more droughts. These projections, based on a climate forecasting model developed at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune, will be part...
More »SWAN’s third report outlines the perpetual plight of migrants in terms of food shortage, income insecurity and travel difficulties during the lockdown
On June 5th this year, the Stranded Workers Action Network, comprising volunteers from various civil society groups, academics and students enrolled in university education, released its third report entitled ‘To Leave or Not to Leave? Lockdown, Migrant Workers, and Their Journeys Home’. Among other things, the latest report states that nearly four-fifth of migrant workers (out of 5,911) who called SWAN volunteers for help (altogether 821 distress calls were made)...
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