India's food inflation nudged up after three successive weeks of decline to 8.74 per cent for the week ended April 9 compared to 8.28 per cent recorded in the previous week as fruits, meat and poultry products became costlier, official data showed on Thursday. Limited data on the wholesale price index released by the commerce and industry ministry also showed a rise in the index for primary articles, from 11.4 per...
Pawar wants nutrition and food security to go hand-in-hand; takes no stand on GM
India still has a long way to go in achieving food and nutritional security, albeit the country has achieved record production with 5.4% growth in agriculture and allied sector. This was corroborated by Sharad Pawar, minister of agriculture and food processing, while addressing the National Conference on Agriculture for Kharif Campaign-2011 in New Delhi recently. "Record production with 235.88 Mt of foodgrains in 2010-2011 should not lead to complacency as we...
More »All-time high foodgrains output anticipated for 2010-11 by Gargi Parsai
The country has achieved an all-time high production of foodgrains, estimated at 235.88 million tonnes in 2010-11, said Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar on Wednesday. This came on the strength of a record output of wheat and pulses. The highest output of foodgrains, so far, has been the 234.47 million tonnes produced in 2008-09. Speaking at the National Conference on Kharif Strategies, Mr. Pawar said: “The third advance estimate figures [for the...
More »Record foodgrains output of 235.88 mn tonnes in 2010-11: Sharad Pawar
India's foodgrains production is estimated at a record 235.88 million tonnes in the 2010-11 crop year, ending June, on the back of the highest-ever output of wheat and pulses, Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar announced today. "The third advance estimate figures are available with me, which show an all-time record production of foodgrains at 235.88 million tonnes. Wheat at 84.27 million tonnes and pulses at 17.29 million tonnes are also the highest...
More »Cash delusions by Praful Bidwai
Cash transfer as substitute for state service provision is a dangerous recipe for callously anti-poor and corrupt governance. THE staggering number of recent articles, papers and books on the virtues of giving cash in place of public services to the poor has created an impression that a sort of epidemic has broken out. Economists, policymakers, bureaucrats and newspaper commentators are all infected by it and are in turn infecting others. The central...
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