In the corridors of power in Delhi and beyond, a three-letter acronym has left some of the mightiest politicians and officials befuddled, embarrassed and powerless. The RTI, or the Right to Information Act, which compels the government to share information about its functioning with its citizens on demand, has acquired the reputation of a four-letter word among India's rulers. Its lethal nature was on full display this week - it...
Superweeds, superpests and superprofits by Vandana Shiva
New research from Navdanya and from the US Union of Concerned Scientists proves that Bt cotton yields are actually a third of what Monsanto claims. Genetic engineering is not going to help feed the world, writes Vandana Shiva, but it is going to harm public health and ecosystems We have been repeatedly told that genetically engineered (GE) crops will save the world. They will save the world by increasing yields and...
More »Those discordant notes by KumKum Dasgupta
At the Independent People's Tribunal in Delhi last year, a young tribal man, Lingaram Kodopi, had a question: "My family is well off, but they [security forces] accuse me of being a Naxalite. Why can't we adivasis wear a good watch or drive a car without being picked up by the police?" In September 2009, 10 men with AK-47s entered Kodopi's home in Sameli, Dantewada, Chhattisgarh. They wanted to know...
More »Indian Activists Bring Anti-Coal Campaign to World Bank by Amanda Wilson
As leaders from two of the world's largest financial institutions, the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, met for annual meetings here Tuesday, a delegation of activists from India called on the World Bank to follow through with its proposal to dramatically cut funding for coal-burning power stations. Over the next few days, the delegation will travel from Washington to West Virginia where, in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains, activists...
More »The life and death of Shehla Masood by Vandita Mishra
Stories abound in Bhopal of the life and death of Shehla Masood. But among those who knew her, there appears agreement on one point: something was so uncharacteristically passive, so un-Shehla-like, they say, about the dead body slumped in the driving seat of the silver-grey Santro on the morning of August 16, with no evident signs of struggle and a bullet hole in the neck. Some crude clues to the extraordinary...
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