-The Indian Express After the market rates crashed to Rs 1-2 per kg, only 565 tomato growers across Haryana received the average price difference payment of Rs 2,136. Kurukshatra: Jasbir Saini shows a message on his iBall mobile phone displaying an amount of Rs 296 credited to his bank account. That’s what the 47-year-old has received as “differential price” on the distress sale of his tomato crop under the Haryana government’s Bhavantar...
Why Kerala's public schools have seen a rise in student strength for the first time in 25 years -TA Ameerudheen
-Scroll.in With smart classrooms, English lessons and more, a government campaign is restoring parents’ confidence in public schools. For the first time in 25 years, public schools in Kerala registered a year-on-year increase in student enrolment this year. It is a significant ahievement given that 5,715 schools were functioning without adequate student strength till 2016. Data released by the education department last week showed that a little over 1.8 lakh students joined...
More »Why independents fail to make a mark in elections -Jagdeep Chhokar
-Hindustan Times The key to this problem lies in the way political and electoral financing are conducted in this country The stranglehold of political parties on the electoral and political system continues to increase with time. The anti-defection law, passed in 1985, formalised the control of political parties even on parliament. Despite a large number of candidates on the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM), the candidates with a realistic chance of getting elected...
More »'Jumla' tag on 'record' farm support prices -R Suryamurthy, Jayanta Roy Chowdhury and JP Yadav
-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Narendra Modi government on Wednesday raised the minimum support price for the common variety of paddy by what it described as a "historic" margin, seeking to address rural disquiet that the BJP has identified as one of its weaknesses in the run-up to key elections. However, a powerful lobby of farmers has termed it a "jumla" (an idiomatic expression that loosely translates as a hollow promise or...
More »SC wants to know in 10 days when Lokpal will be appointed
-The Indian Express Attorney General K K Venugopal, appearing for the Centre, placed before the bench the written instructions which he had received from the government on the issue of appointment of Lokpal. New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Monday sought a report from the central government about the appointment of anti-graft ombudsman Lokpal in the country. The top court asked the government to file an affidavit within 10 days mentioning details...
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