-The Times of India In English Vinglish, her big comeback movie last year, Sridevi's Shashi Godbole was a small-scale caterer in Pune before the movie's arc took her to the US. We saw her efficiency at making boondi laddoos, we saw that her clients loved them and we know she made a little money from it. But we also saw how little her enterprise mattered to her family, and that her...
How GDP understates economic growth-Bill Gates
-The Guardian GDP may be an inaccurate indicator in sub-Saharan Africa, which is a concern for those who want to use statistics to help the world's poorest people Even in good financial times, development aid budgets are hardly overflowing. Government leaders and donors must make hard decisions about where to focus their limited resources. How do you decide which countries should get low-cost loans or cheaper vaccines, and which can afford to...
More »Arvind Panagariya, a professor of Indian economics at Columbia University interviewed by Ullekh NP
-The Economic Times Arvind Panagariya, a professor of Indian economics at Columbia University, hits out at Nobel laureate and Harvard University professor Amartya Sen over his call to confront MPs with the "number of deaths" a delayed Food Security Bill can cause. The former chief economist at the Asian Development Bank counters Sen's argument that it is high social spending that has contributed to the economic growth of Asian economies such...
More »The great jobs disaster-CP Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh
-The Hindu Business Line In much of the discussion on the turnaround after the Great Recession, attention has been focused on financial consolidation and the halting return to growth. Far less attention has been paid to the persistence of high and even rising unemployment and its sources. In the desperate search for evidence that the global recession has bottomed out and the recovery has arrived, the story told by the long-term trend...
More »Working women: Delhi has lowest percent in top cities -Rukmini Shrinivasan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Delhi has the lowest proportion of working women of any major Indian city, analysis of newly released Census data confirms. Kolkata and Mumbai have nearly double the proportion of working women as the capital city, and southern cities including Coimbatore and Bengaluru are at the highest end of the spectrum. Data released by the office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India two...
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