-The Hindu Wrapped in a shawl turned grey from grime, the three-month-old baby girl was brought to meet this correspondent near the Taimur Nagar police post. “How do you like her,” the girl’s maternal aunt, Rahima, asked. “I know she is too skinny, so she looks horrible. But one month of proper food, and she will turn healthy. Look, her features are so sharp.” Rahima had made contact hoping to sell the...
To the tribals, this doctor is a ‘Bhagaban’ -Santosh Patnaik
-The Hindu He would spend his own money on patient care and go to villages regularly on a bicycle or a motorbike An estimated 60,000 tribals from 24 panchayats in Korukonda block were in tears when Dr. Suryakant Patjoshi was relieved as the medical officer of the Public Health Centre at Korukonda, about 20 km from Malkangiri, in 2008. For the people of Potrel, Gongalaguda, Koyaguda, Siraguda, Mohulput, Bonur and other hamlets...
More »Pledge against child labour-Amit Gupta
-The Telegraph Ranchi: Jharkhand resolved to eradicate child labour within the next four years with chief minister Arjun Munda unveiling a comprehensive plan today to eliminate the scourge that has victimised over 4.07 lakh youngsters slogging as ragpickers or errand boys at homes, dhabas or roadside garages. The ambitious goal will be pursued by various departments of the state government in conjunction with International Labour Organisation (ILO) by assigning specific roles at...
More »Dalit houses, property systematically destroyed -R Ilangovan
-The Hindu Most of the youth were working outside district when the attack took place With normality limping back to Dalit villages in Dharmapuri district, which witnessed a caste flare-up on Wednesday evening, the victims have alleged that an act of ‘systematic destruction’ of their properties and livelihood resources has taken place. The Dalit settlements of Natham, Kondampatti and Annanagar in Naikkankottai villages bore the brunt of mob fury following the suicide of...
More »'Irom Sharmila feels fasting is what she is meant to do in life'
-Rediff.com Today, Irom Sharmila, the Manipur civil rights activist, marks 12 years of her fast in protest against the Armed Forces Special Powers Act in the state. She remains in judicial custody where she continues to be force-fed through her nose. Deepti Priya Mehrotra, author of Burning Bright: Irom Sharmila and the Struggle for Peace in Manipur, recalls her association with the Iron Lady of Manipur. I met her initially in October 2006...
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