-PTI Government has asked the CBI to probe alleged illegal activities of 24 NGOs which received funds from abroad, Lok Sabha was informed today. Minister of State for Home R P N Singh said different state police forces were also asked to probe into the alleged irregularities of 10 other NGOs which received funds from abroad. The Minister said altogether Rs 10,997.35 crore was received as foreign contribution by 23,172 NGOs across India...
Off death row, after loss of 16 years -Muzaffar Raina
-The Telegraph Srinagar: If appetite for capital punishment has been whetted in the country, Padshah Begum’s experience today should serve as a timely note of caution. The 60-year-old lady in Srinagar received word this afternoon that Delhi High Court has taken her son off death row because “serious lapses” marked the police investigation into a blast in the capital in 1996. She is no stranger to such news: two years ago, her eldest...
More »RTI query on funeral -Ananya Sengupta
-The Telegraph A Youth Congress member handpicked by Rahul Gandhi today sought an explanation from the party-led government in Maharashtra why Bal Thackeray was cremated with state honours. In his plea filed under the Right to Information Act, Abdul Hafiz Gandhi, who shares his surname with the Congress leader, also wanted to know how the Shiv Sena was given permission to hold their late patriarch’s funeral at Shivaji Park, a public place. The...
More »In Delhi slum, Rahima makes a living finding new homes for unwanted infants -Rana Siddiqui Zaman
-The Hindu Wrapped in a shawl turned grey from grime, the three-month-old baby girl was brought to meet this correspondent near the Taimur Nagar police post. “How do you like her,” the girl’s maternal aunt, Rahima, asked. “I know she is too skinny, so she looks horrible. But one month of proper food, and she will turn healthy. Look, her features are so sharp.” Rahima had made contact hoping to sell the...
More »Gujarat tops states in number of muslim policemen -Vishwa Mohan
-The Times of India Gujarat, which faced one of the worst anti-muslim riots in the country barely 10 years ago, has emerged as the state with the largest number of muslim cops posted in police stations, beating states with a higher proportion of the community in their population. The data, shared by the home ministry in response to an RTI query filed by TOI, shows that 10.6% of Gujarat's cops posted in...
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