-The Indian Express Modi on July 5 made clear his intention to retain and push the schemes. In a decisive push to the UPA government's Aadhaar project and Direct Benefits Transfer (DBT) scheme by Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself, his office has directed the Planning Commission to collect data on these schemes in 300 priority districts and submit a status report by August 15. According to government sources, the directive was issued...
How Much Can We Forgo To India Inc? -P Sainath
-Outlook India To the social subsidy whiners, please check corporate write-offs column The TV anchor asked eagerly of Arun Jaitley whether he would take hard decisions or, in the case of a bad drought, revert to loan waivers and (obviously wasteful) subsidies. The finance minister replied that it depended on the situation as it unfolded but he hoped he wouldn't have to return to such steps. "We hope so too," said...
More »Why a national agri market is needed -Hema Yadav and Shalendra
-The Hindu Business Line It has potential to curb inflation and ensure competitive prices to growers The agricultural marketing system in the country has come a long way since Independence. It has moved through various stages such as regulations and reforms. Now, the time has come to establish a barrier-free market operating beyond State boundaries. A National Agricultural Market with potential to curtail inflation and ensure competitive prices to producers has also been...
More »Size of PDS set to rise, but fewer people want to buy subsidised grain -Sandip Das
-The Financial Express While the Centre has asked states to roll out the National Food Security Act, 2013, by October, when the coverage of Targeted public distribution system (TPDS) will increase to an estimated 84 crore people from 55 crore now, the capacity of states to handle more foodgrain is doubtful given their poor offtake record in the last few years. Official data since 2012-13 indicate that state governments have failed to...
More »Why FCI needs professionals to sell its foodgrains -Tejinder Narang
-The Hindu Business Line The primary mandate of the Food Corporation of India (FCI) acting under directions of Food Ministry is to service requirements of the public distribution system (PDS) in association with State Government Agencies (SGAs). But over the years, FCI has also been called upon to intervene in managing market prices, albeit with little success. FCI efficiently procures wheat, paddy/milled rice but faces odds while selling surplus grains in the...
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