Indian civil society was dismayed and horror-struck when human rights activist Dr Binayak Sen, who has spent over three decades caring for the poor in tribal areas of central India, was sentenced to life imprisonment for ‘sedition’ along with two others, Piyush Guha and Narayan Sanyal by a Raipur Sessions Court judge. Protests are taking place everywhere in the country and the members of India’s vibrant civil society, peoples’ movements,...
Life term violates fair trial standards: Amnesty by Hasan Suroor
Amnesty International has said the life sentence handed down to rights activist Binayak Sen by the Raipur sessions court violates international standards of fair trial and has warned that it is likely to “inflame” tension in the conflict-affected area. Describing the trial itself as “politically motivated” and calling for the charges against Dr. Sen to be dropped, Sam Zarifi, Amnesty's Asia-Pacific director, said in a statement: “Dr. Sen, who is considered...
More »'Honour' killing: It's a global phenomenon
Even as the government is contemplating bringing in a new law to deal with the spurt in honour killings, reports by human rights organisations show that cold-blooded murders in the name of saving family pride had been prevalent in many parts of the world. Honour killings have been rampant in orthodox and socially backward groups in many countries including India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Turkey, Jordan and the Palestinian Territories, they say....
More »Doubts ahead of Bhopal gas verdict by Rasheed Kidwai
The 23-year-old criminal trial of the Bhopal gas tragedy will see the verdict delivered on Monday, but survivors fear the “glaring omissions” by prosecuting agency CBI may deny them justice. Several Indian officials of Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) will be in court on June 7 as the accused in one of the country’s longest criminal cases. But missing will be all the foreign accused, including the then chairman of the...
More »Amnesty asks Orissa to stop excessive use of police force against Adivasis by J Venkatesan
Says India is obliged under international law to protect right to life Wants impartial inquiry into reports of excessive use of force by police ‘Force must be used in accordance with international standards' Amnesty International (AI) has urged the authorities in Orissa to halt immediately unnecessary and excessive use of force by police and private civil militias on Adivasi (indigenous communities) and peasants protesting against the acquisition of their lands and habitats...
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