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How to double farmers income: This step is crucial to achieving target set by PM Modi -Pratap S Birthal & Jaya JuMRani

-The Financial Express By setting the target of doubling farmers’ income by 2022, the prime minister has clearly signalled a transition in agri-food policy from an excessive emphasis on foodgrain production towards improving welfare of the farming community. Given the continued excessive employment pressure, proliferation of small landholdings and growing agrarian crisis, this move is indeed an important change in the policy landscape. Doubling farmers’ income, however, requires identification of high-income...

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Milk output rises 19% in 2014-17

-PTI New Delhi: India’s Milk production rose by 19 per cent in the last three years to touch 163.6 million tonnes, leading to a significant increase in dairy farmers’ income, Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh said today. Addressing a function on the National Milk Day, he said the government has launched many programmes in the last three years to raise dairy sector’s productivity. The minister announced that a National Action Plan Vision-2022 would...

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Vidarbha farmers in debt trap: Here is how to save them -Vivian Fernandes

-The Financial Express How can the cotton and soybean farmers of Vidarbha and Marathwada supplement their incomes so they can get out of the trap of debt and self-engineered death? That was the theme of Union minister Nitin Gadkari’s ninth edition, four-day agricultural exhibition at Nagpur, called Agrovision, to which I was invited.  A promising beginning has been made. In October last year, the National Dairy Development Board commenced operations. It...

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Improve nutritional content of school meals to tackle stunting - Soumya Swaminathan and SV Subramanian

-Hindustan Times As per the latest National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau, which has been collecting data on diet and nutritional status of rural, tribal and urban populations for almost four decades, the calorie intake of children (1-3 years) in rural areas was only about 70% of their requirement due to shortage. In India, more than 4.8 crore children suffer from stunting, which means they are below the normal height range for their...

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Shyam Khadka, India's representative at the FAO of the United Nations, interviewed by Sayantan Bera ( In India, 9 million people left farming between 2001 and 2011 largely due to distress, not because industry invited them, says Shyam Khadka, India’s representative at the FAO Shyam Khadka, India’s representative at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, says more Indians are moving out of agriculture due to distress and not because the manufacturing sector is inviting them. In an interview, Khadka calls for converting food...

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