-The Hindu "Animal behaviour," was the unusual language the Supreme Court deployed recently. The context for the cryptic remarks was the gruesome lathi-charge on protesting teachers, predominantly women, engaged on contract by the Bihar government, and the attacks on a woman who sought police intervention in a case of assault. The police carry a long and ignominious record of resort to indiscriminate force to quell peaceful protesters, which peaked in the...
Jairam Ramesh, Rural Development Minister interviewed by Urmi A Goswami
-The Economic Times A balance between the need to unleash animal spirits and the larger issues of ethical governance is essential for the country to move ahead, Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh tells ET in an exclusive interview. * Is unleashing animal spirits still the main focus of the government? Unleashing the animal spirits is all very well but it has to be in an ethical framework. Markets is all about...
More »Only MNS filing tax returns: RTI -Sanjeev Devasia
-DNA If an RTI reply is to be believed, then the Maharashtra Navnirman (MNS) is the only party in the state which is assessed and is filing income tax returns regularly with the income tax department. The reply also says that the party has been receiving donations above Rs20,000, but as parties are exempted from tax on income from donations under section 13A of the I-T Act, no tax is payable...
More »People of no fixed address-Sunil Sethi
-The Business Standard Are these people expected to return to their villages and hometowns to hang around waiting for the Unique Identification Authority of India to set up shop? Workers returning to their jobs in metros from remote villages in Bihar and Jharkhand have lately been complaining that they are barred from boarding trains unless they show sufficient identification, including proof of residence in cities. Whether this is a run-up to the...
More »Confident government agrees to vote on FDI
-The Times of India The gridlock in Parliament over foreign direct investment in multi-brand retail is set to ease with the Manmohan Singh government - armed with ally DMK's support - dropping its resistance to a discussion under a rule that necessitates a vote. The detente over FDI could see fresh discussion between the ruling coalition and BJP over the winter session's legislative agenda with parliamentary affairs minister Kamal Nath expected to...
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