-The Times of India Nagaland Police allegedly used fictitious bills to withdraw Rs 4 crore for the procurement of 1,750 fire extinguishers, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India said in its annual report tabled in the recently-concluded Nagaland budget session. The report said that the government had sanctioned the funds under major heads-arms and ammunitions-on the basis of the proposal submitted by the office of DGP, Kohima. The office of...
Parliament has credibility problem, targetting us won’t solve it: Arvind Kejriwal
-The Economic Times Team Anna found itself an 'untouchable' when politicians across the aisle attacked it in Parliament for calling parliamentarians thieves and dacoits. It was a rare moment of unanimity in the Lok Sabha on Monday as outraged members condemned Team Anna saying it had crossed all limits of decorum by using such unparliamentary words during its day-long fast at Jantar Mantar on Sunday. However, Arvind Kejriwal, who was in the...
More »RTI activist told to pay for info by A Selvaraj
It is common for government agencies to come up with reasons for not supplying information sought under the Right to Information Act (RTI). Now, the state civil supplies department has come up with a googly. Responding to a RTI query, it told the applicant, "pay us money so that we can hire people to find out the information you seek." The applicant, M Thirumani of Padikuppam Road in Anna Nagar, filed...
More »A solid sense of security by Manish Tewari
It’s not just the NCTC — we need to provide a statutory basis and oversight mechanisms for all our intelligence agencies The protest by eight chief ministers, characterising the Union government’s decision to give powers of search and arrest to the National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC ) under Section 43 (a) of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act 1967 as an assault on federalism, comes in the wake of a “sticky bomb”...
More »Fodder scam: Lalu pleads not guilty, calls it political conspiracy by Sanjay Ojha
Former chief minister of Bihar Lalu Prasad Yadav on Tuesday claimed that all the allegations leveled against him in the Rs 900-crore fodder scam were biased and the CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation) had acted against him under political pressure to ruin his career. Lalu was replying to questions of special CBI judge PK Singh in the fodder scam case (RC 20/96) related to fraudulent withdrawal of more than Rs 37...
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