-The Indian Express As per a statement by Additional Chief Secretary (Home) Awanish Kumar Awasthi, this year, till August 19, the UP Police had invoked the NSA against 139 people in the state, 76 of them for cow slaughter. As on August 31, the Bareilly police zone alone accounted for 44 of the cases. Lucknow: THE National Security Act (NSA) was invoked against a man accused of being involved in cow slaughter...
In times of pandemic, PDS shops should provide rations to all -Rohini Pande, Simone Schaner and Charity Troyer Moore
-The Indian Express India should not allow one emergency — the pandemic — to turn into another. Food security problems are not abating and there are clear steps that should be taken before it is too late. In the early days of India’s lockdown, stories of food insecurity were rampant. As “Unlock 2.0” progresses, many analysts hope that labour markets will provide the much needed economic resources to the vulnerable. But amidst...
More »Fight against hunger disrupted by coronavirus-induced recession -Jagriti Chandra
-The Hindu Between 8.3 crore and 13 crore people globally are likely to go hungry this year. Between 8.3 crore and 13 crore people globally are likely to go hungry this year due to the economic recession triggered by coronavirus (COVID-19), warns the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) 2020 report. Estimates drawn from data available till March 2020 show that almost 69 crore people went hungry in 2019...
More »Are We Entering a New Phase of Increasing Hunger? -Bharat Dogra
-TheWire.in Warnings sound by the UN and its organs point to a food crisis which is worse than any seen in the last 50 years. On June 9, the United Nations warned that the world today faces a food crisis which is worse than any seen in the last 50 years. Secretary general Antonio Guterres said that nearly 50 million people risk falling into extreme poverty due to the pandemic. More specifically...
More »In Jharkhand, social audit finds nearly half the people didn’t get full lockdown ration -Abhishek Angad
-The Indian Express These are some of the findings mentioned in a report prepared by Jharkhand’s Social Audit Unit, under the Rural Development Department, created to “promote transparency and accountability in implementation of the programs”. Ranchi: FORTY-EIGHT per cent people did not receive full two months’ ration, as promised by the Jharkhand government during the lockdown period. Out of 1,255 families inspected, which had pregnant/lactating women or children below five years of...
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