-The Hindu They are misled by some videos which predicted death within two hours of vaccination, says official BHUBANESWAR: Tribals in Odisha’s Rayagada district fled their village after locking up their houses afraid of being given the COVID-19 vaccine. The incident took place at Champakana under Kolnara block of Rayagada on Wednesday. The district administration had held an awareness camp explaining the benefits of inoculation. “However, when our team reached the village with 100 doses...
History shows India did not lack access to vaccines as claimed by PM Modi -Jacob Koshy
-The Hindu India, even before Independence, was among the countries that indigenously manufactured vaccines almost years within they were discovered, historical records suggest. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speech on Friday presented a view of India’s vaccination history that is at odds with the facts. “If you look at the history of vaccinations in India, whether it was a vaccine for smallpox, hepatitis B or polio, you will see that India would have...
More »PM's address to nation: Top 5 announcements in Modi's speech today -Vivek Punj
-Livemint.com * Centre to take over vaccination programme from states, provide free jabs to Indians aged 18 years and above * PM Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana extended till November this year, to benefit 80 crore Indians Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a slew of decisions on Monday regarding the vaccination drive against coronavirus. The Prime Minister announced that central government will take back control of the vaccination programme from states and provide free...
More »The Mystery of Missing Vaccines -Prabhat Patnaik
-Newsclick.in Large-scale privatisation of the vaccination programme is happening, cutting of low-paying sections of the population. Yet, other discrepancies remain, calling for an audit by CAG. India is facing an acute vaccine shortage. The impression that generally prevails is that this shortage is because while production capacity is slow to increase, there has been a sudden spurt in vaccine demand since vaccination is now open for the 18-44 years age group in...
More »Jean Dreze, the Belgian-born hunger economics expert, interviewed by Sindhu Bhattacharya (Moneycontrol.com)
-Moneycontrol.com Jean Dreze, the Belgian-born hunger economics expert, on the devastation of Covid, what plagues MNREGA, central government’s relief measures, stimulus packages, vaccination drive and more. The big lesson from the havoc wrought by Covid-19 is that India must abandon the “fragmented” US model of healthcare, which is a colossal failure, according to developmental economist Jean Dreze. A Belgian-born hunger economics expert who has co-authored books with Nobel laureates Amartya Sen and...
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