-The Hindu The Supreme Court's award of a record compensation of Rs.5.9 crore in a case of medical negligence is in continuation of its well-considered stance of balancing the rights of patients with the legitimate protection of doctors when they are on call. The significance of such an approach cannot be overstated in the specific context of India, where the health care system - in the public and the private...
No information on Kalam’s letter on mercy pleas, home ministry says -Himanshi Dhawan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Has the government lost or misplaced former President APJ Abdul Kalam's letter asking for a review of mercy petition cases? The ministry of home affairs has summarily dismissed an RTI application saying it has "no information'' on the subject. Ironically, the former President has written about his reservations on death penalty in his book 'Turning Point: A Journey Through Challenges'. The home ministry's denial was in...
More »The EU flexes its muscles on caste-Arvind Sivaramakrishnan
-The Hindu The practices concerned are most widespread in South Asia and in South Asian diasporas. The European Parliament's recent resolution circumvents India's contention that caste oppression does not constitute racial discrimination. On October 10, the 766 members of the European Parliament, who represent just over half-a-billion people in 28-member-states, passed a historic resolution recognising caste-based discrimination and discrimination based on work and descent as a violation of Human rights and an...
More »In UP's overcrowded jails, 60% inmates are undertrials -Neha Shukla
-The Times of India LUCKNOW: Jails may not be meant for comfortable stay, but prisons in UP could well put a can of sardines to shame. There are 81,027 prisoners lodged in UP jails against the actual total capacity of 48,298 prisoners that these jails are meant to accommodate. What makes these overcrowded jails a case fit for Human rights violation is the fact that more than half of the prisoners in...
More »UN entities say post-2015 development agenda must address inequity in access to clean water, sanitation
-The United Nations Member States must ensure that the post-2015 development agenda addresses inequalities that prevent millions of people from getting access to basic services, various United Nations entities today stressed. In a joint statement, the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human rights (OHCHR), Friends of Water, and the Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation, urged countries to frame the...
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