-The Indian Express After the market rates crashed to Rs 1-2 per kg, only 565 tomato growers across Haryana received the average price difference payment of Rs 2,136. Kurukshatra: Jasbir Saini shows a message on his iBall mobile phone displaying an amount of Rs 296 credited to his bank account. That’s what the 47-year-old has received as “differential price” on the distress sale of his tomato crop under the Haryana government’s Bhavantar...
NITI Aayog wants states to adopt zero-budget natural farming
-Agencies (New Delhi)/ Business Standard States can promote ZBNF under the two farm sector schemes - Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana and Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana. NITI Aayog vice-chairman Rajiv Kumar on Monday made a case for promoting zero-budget natural farming (ZBNF) in states, saying it would help double farmers’ income by 2022. Aayog member Ramesh Chand, who is an expert in agriculture, said that such methods could be scaled up nationally only after...
More »Hike in MSP is political, say farmers -Sreenivasa Rao Dasari
-Deccan Chronicle Seek a state-level intervention corporation. Hyderabad: The latest decision of the Centre to enhance minimum support price (MSP) for 14 crops has triggered a fresh debate on the cost of production and the procurement mechanism. Farmers say that the increase in MSP was a mere political decision and nothing has happened in reality, while agriculture experts agree that lack of consensus and clarity on support price is further adding to...
More »Government ready for higher MSPs: Paswan
-The Hindu Says Centre prepared to set up facilities for procurement The government is prepared to create all the facilities and infrastructure needed to procure foodgrains, even as the Cabinet prepares to hike Minimum Support Prices (MSP) for kharif crops, Union Food Minister Ram Vilas Paswan said. The Union Cabinet is expected to meet on Wednesday, and approve MSPs for 23 crops at 1.5 times the input costs. For MSPs to be implemented...
More »UP Police Encounters: SC seeks report from Yogi Govt.
-Caravandaily.com Petitioner PUCL has also sought compensation to victims’ families. NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court of India on Monday asked the Uttar Pradesh government to file a detailed report on the police shootouts in which more than 50 people have been killed in the last one year. A bench headed by Chief Justice Dipak Misra has sought response in two weeks from the Uttar Pradesh government of Yogi Adityanath on a petition of...
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