The Rs 54,000 crore Posco integrated steel plant got the final clearance from Union environment and forests ministry on Monday. Jairam Ramesh gave the nod for the pending forest clearance to the state government, paving the way for the Korean steel giant to acquire the forest land required for the project. In January, Ramesh had put one last condition before the state government to acquire the forest land. He had asked...
‘NREGS card valid for opening accounts in rural banks’
THE Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has decided to accept NREGS job cards or Aadhar letter as official documents for opening accounts in rural cooperative banks for persons covered under the scheme. This will enable the job card holders or the workers to keep their money is safe custody. An RBI communique to the state and district cooperative banks has said that the accounts can be opened with certain conditions attached as...
More »India seeks postponement of decision on Endosulfan ban at Geneva by Roy Mathew
India is seeking a postponement of the decision on a global ban on Endosulfan to the next meeting of the conference of parties to the Stockholm Convention in 2013, according to observers. C. Jayakumar and Dr. Mohammed Asheel, observers from Kerala to the ongoing conference of parties to the Convention in Geneva, said in an email message that India had distributed a draft of its proposal among the Asia Pacific group...
More »Saga of struggles by Lyla Bavadam
NEARLY 80 km from Pune is Ralegan Siddhi village with about 3,000 people. It would have been one among the hundreds of nondescript villages in Parner taluk of Ahmednagar district, Maharashtra, had it not been for Kisan Baburao Hazare, 71, better known as Anna, or older brother, a title that was appended to his name after he made the village more than just a dot on the map. Until he was...
More »Waiver of farm loans to be decided on case by case basis
The case of each areca grower who has taken loans from cooperative societies or banks will be studied individually to determine whether the farmer is genuinely unable to repay the loan. This decision was taken at a meeting of areca growers with Deputy Commissioner Subodh Yadav and officials of various departments on Thursday. Mr. Yadav made the suggestion after listening to a delegation of farmers, most of them members of the Karnataka...
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