-The Hindu The pandemic has highlighted the importance of expanding social security nets Pinki is a 28-year-old Dalit woman from Saharanpur, U.P. Her husband met with an accident during the national lockdown in April 2020. The two of them had to sell all their belongings for his treatment and subsequently became dependent on her parents. Such avoidable miseries were heaped on millions due to the unilateral national lockdown in 2020. The monthly...
India urgently needs a universal Public Distribution System to combat undernutrition & hunger, emphasises Right to food Campaign
-Press release by Right to food Campaign, dated 10th May, 2021 At a time when the country is facing the second wave of Covid-19 pandemic, the need for a universal food security system has become all the more important. In a press statement dated 10th May, 2021, the Right to food Campaign, a civil society group working for the elimination of hunger and undernutrition in the country, has expressed its shock and...
More »One lakh tonnes of free food grain distributed so far under PMGKAY
-The Hindu In the first 10 days, grains have reached 2.03 crore of 80 crore beneficiaries: food Ministry Out of the 40 lakh tonnes of free food grain promised under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana for May, one lakh tonnes have been distributed so far, food Secretary Sudhanshu Pandey said on Monday. In the first 10 days, PMGKAY grains have reached 2.03 crore of the 80 crore beneficiaries, with 13 States...
More »Rent issues as an ignored COVID stress point -Mewa Bharati and Juhi Jotwani
-The Hindu The second wave has amplified the issue of rent which does not draw much attention as food and income support do As State governments have begun implementing weekend curfews and lockdown-like conditions amid the second wave of COVID, there is another issue that is emerging — rent crises within informal rental housing markets. For example, domestic workers in Jaipur, Rajasthan, have begun reporting to the Rajasthan Mahila Kamgar Union (RMKU)...
More »India learns a bitter lesson for disregarding crucial warnings and recommendations on Covid-19
In the month of April this year, there has been an unprecedented upsurge in daily new cases and daily new deaths in the country due to Covid-19. States, which reported large increases in daily new cases and daily new deaths, are Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh, to name but a few. Data accessed from https://www.covid19india.org/, which is a crowdsourced platform and an independent aggregator of daily Covid-19 figures and...
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