Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Tuesday said he was aware of the "nervousness in the corporate sector" over phone tapping and asked cabinet secretary KM Chandrasekhar to look into the matter and submit a report within a month. "I am aware of the nervousness in the corporate sector arising out of the powers conferred upon the government authorities to tap the phones for protecting national security and preventing tax evasion and money...
Don't drag names until we decide Radia tapes,SC tells media
The Supreme Court today asked the media not not to drag the name of any person figuring in the controversial Niira Radia tapes until the case was decided by it as dignity of every individual was precious.It even warned journalists of being hauled up if the ''lakshman rekha'' is crossed.A bench of justices G S Singhvi and A K Ganguly while warning the media from crossing the "Lakshman lekha" chided...
More »Rs. 10 lakh exemplary costs imposed on Maharashtra by J Venkatesan
Deshmukh protected Congress MLA's family member from normal process of law: Bench ‘Cases involving misuse of public office for private gains shake people's confidence'Taking serious view of the former Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Vilasrao Deshmukh (currently the Union Industries Minister), interfering in a criminal investigation against a family of a Congress MLA, the Supreme Court on Tuesday imposed an exemplary cost of Rs.10 lakh on the Maharashtra government.A Bench comprising...
More »Radia tapes: Tata's plea to be opposed in SC by NGO
Tata Group Chief Ratan Tata's plea seeking stopping of further publication of his taped conversations with Corporate lobbyist Niira Radia is likely to be opposed in the Supreme Court by an NGO which wants all the recorded conversations to be put in public domain. "We would make a plea in the apex court on Monday for bringing it to public domain all the tapped conversations between Radia and others," advocate Prashant...
More »“I have neither seen nor heard the Radia tapes”
Union Home Secretary G.K. Pillai on Saturday said he had neither heard nor seen the tapes of conversations between corporate lobbyist Niira Radia and others, and denied leaking the tapes at the behest of Home Minister P. Chidambaram.“I wish to clarify that neither I, nor the Ministry of Home Affairs had, or have any access to any of the tapes concerning the interception of Ms. Radia's telephones,” Mr. Pillai said...
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