-The Hindu Bengaluru: To deal with the rising number of cases, the Karnataka Information Commission is contemplating holding Right to Information (RTI) adalats across the city from next month. Currently, 30,000 cases are pending before the authority, which is struggling with reduced staff strength. “We receive close to 800 to 1,000 appeals a month and each Commissioner has to deal with 30 cases a day. We have four Commissioners and one Chief Commissioner...
RTI empowers the citizen, but threats can make Act opaque -Shailesh Gandhi
-Hindustan Times After a decade of the implementation of the national Right to Information (RTI) Act, it is necessary to reflect on some of its key achievements and the threats it faces. It has spread across the country, and there is no district that has not received RTI applications. It has empowered the ordinary citizen to get respect as an individual from the government and its officials. Citizens are becoming the monitors...
More »The pulse of pulses -Renu Kohli
-Livemint.com Though pulsations may eventually ease, it is time to think of long-term cures Pulses have been throbbing hard and loud in India for sometime now. And not only because of prices, but also the pace in which it accelerated to 30% annually last month, three times the rate of increase six months ago. Besides angry television anchors and electoral evocations, hoarding, raids and truck thefts have set hearts thumping too....
More »Are one per cent of Indians using RTI?
-The Hoot A decade of RTI, Part II---How many Indians are using their Right to Information? Studies suggest that the figure of users has yet to cross one per cent of the population in a given year, but there could be substantial under-reporting. More than eight million Right to Information applications are being made now, 10 years after the law was introduced. That’s the figure that was given by Aruna Roy of...
More »Govt submits FB contract in HC, court to see if privacy put at stake -Abhinav Garg
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: At a time when Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is on a visit to India, the government's contract with his company is under intense legal scrutiny. For the first time, following court instructions, the Centre has filed in the Delhi high court a copy of the contract with Facebook that allows the latter to operate in the country. In an affidavit, the Centre has annexed the contract...
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