-The Times of India The Centre on Thursday responded to the Supreme Court's concern over spiralling prices of essential medicines and promised to make all-out efforts to put under strict price control regime all the 348 drugs included in the National List of Essential medicines (NLEM), 2011. A bench comprising Justices G S Singhvi and S J Mukhopadhaya had, in the last hearing, expressed concern over the shrinking list of medicines under...
Rein in drug prices, SC tells govt
-The Telegraph The Supreme Court today asked the Centre to ensure that drug prices go down, not up, if and when a new price control policy comes into force. “Prices may go down but should not go up because of policy,” Justice S.J. Mukhopadhyay, sitting alongside senior judge G.S. Singhvi, said. “Bring it down, don’t escalate it in the name of policy,” the bench told additional solicitor-general Parag Tripathi, who was speaking...
More »Health sector to get 2.5 pc of GDP in 12th Plan: Planning Commission member Syeda Hamid
-PTI The health sector will get a larger share of 2.5 per cent of GDP instead of 1.8 per cent, in the next Plan period, said Planning Commission member Syeda Hamid. Addressing an international Vaccination Symposium at Surajkund near here today, she said this will be a very "big jump." She said that year-by-year achievement has to be recorded to get maximum benefits and the Planning Commission will insist that what is spent...
More »Writing out a prescription for health care reforms by Poongothai Aladi Aruna
Health is a state of mental, social and physical well-being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity. To achieve this noble objective, India requires health care professionals who are trained in institutions with standardised infrastructure, and the availability of accessible and equitable health care for both the rural and urban populace. Recently, the health sector has been in the news — from the creation of a rural based...
More »Investing in health
-The Hindu The High Level Expert Group of the Planning Commission on Universal Health Coverage for India has laid out a clear road map: it is to provide access to affordable, accountable, and appropriate health services for all citizens in a meaningful time frame. Free India adopted the goal of preventive and curative care for all, as recommended by the Bhore Committee in 1946. But it faltered and failed to raise...
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