In the next five years, all 6 5 lakh villages of the country will be connected by internet. Union minister of state for communications and IT Sachin Pilot said this while addressing the media just after his interaction with US President Obama on Sunday. He said the IT revolution in Kanpura has earned accolades all over the world. "In the next five year we will connect 6.5 lakh villages to it....
UN-backed initiative to enable the blind to access published works
In an unprecedented United Nations-supported initiative, people who cannot see and those who have other forms of visual disability will have access to published works through publisher intermediaries who will create accessible formats of publications and share them with specialized libraries. The new arrangement was announced today at the of the UN World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) meeting in the Indian capital, New Delhi. It is estimated that only five percent of...
More »Number of Internet users to surpass 2 billion by end of year, UN agency reports
The number of Internet users worldwide has doubled in the past five years and will surpass the 2 billion mark in 2010, with the majority of the 226 million new users this year coming from developing countries, the United Nations telecommunication agency reported today. The number of people with Internet access at home has increased from 1.4 billion in 2009 to almost 1.6 billion in 2010, with 65 per cent of...
More »What the UID conceals by R Ramakumar
The UID project has both ‘security' and ‘developmental' dimensions. The former leads to an invasive state; the latter leaves us with a retreating state. Is identity the “missing link” in India's efforts to rise as an “inclusive” economic superpower? Can an identity-linked and technology-based solution change the face of governance in India? Given the euphoria around the Unique Identification (UID) project, one is tempted to believe so. However, a careful look...
More »State will have health data resource centre soon by Ramya Kannan
Tamil Nadu will soon have a centralised data resource centre to collect relevant data across all health departments. The Health Management Information System (HMIS), accessible across the various departments, will be able to function as a one-stop shop for all information on health in Tamil Nadu, and as such will be able to influence policy-making in the health sector, according to S. Vijayakumar, project director, Tamil Nadu Health Systems Project (TNHSP). Once...
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