-The Hindu After sitting on a key Bill to strengthen the law against atrocities on people belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, the Modi government now appears keen on pushing it through during the Monsoon Session of Parliament, possibly with an eye on the forthcoming Bihar Assembly elections. The United Progressive Alliance government had promulgated the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Amendment Ordinance on March 4,...
A database of RTI martyrs in the pipeline
A long-pending demand of civil society activists and NGOs, who are campaigning for probity, accountability, and transparency in public life, is going to be fulfilled soon. A welcome move has been made by the Government to enumerate and publish data on crimes committed against media persons, Right to Information activists, and whistleblowers in the forthcoming edition of Crime in India, which is published annually by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)...
More »Madhya Pradesh assembly passes labour law Amendments -Somesh Jha & Shashikant Trivedi
-Business Standard Factories with up to 300 workers can fire without government approval After failing to get the Centre’s approval to the ordinance route, the Madhya Pradesh Assembly on Wednesday passed a single Bill to amend eight major labour laws; seven other laws would be changed through compounding provisions, etc. With this, Madhya Pradesh became the third state in a year, after Rajasthan and Gujarat, to pass its own labour law Amendments...
More »Call from cream of legal fraternity: Stall law that seeks to try juveniles as adults -Abantika Ghosh
-The Indian Express One of the criticisms of the proposed Amendment is that it could, in one stroke, legalise the illegal detention of thousands of underage children by policemen across the country. As a potentially chaotic Rajya Sabha attempts to take up the contentious Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Bill 2015 — passed by the Lok Sabha and listed for the Rajya Sabha Wednesday — a number of legal...
More »Indian Labour Conference fails to reach consensus, govt to approach unions again -Surya Sarathi Ray
-The Financial Express The Modi government’s ambitious labour reform agenda may take a while to be implemented as the 46th Indian Labour Conference (ILC) that concluded in New Delhi on Tuesday could not reach a consensus on many contentious proposals and resolved to hold tripartite consultations. The Modi government’s ambitious labour reform agenda may take a while to be implemented as the 46th Indian Labour Conference (ILC) that concluded in New Delhi...
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