-The Times of India Chief Justice of India (CJI) SH Kapadia on Saturday said the Supreme Court might have overstretched the human rights jurisprudence to include right to sleep in the bouquet of fundamental rights, as enforcing such a right would be very difficult. The CJI, who was delivering a lecture, also seemed critical of the civil society activists for questioning the authority of Parliament to make laws and by draping themselves...
Centre admits giving inaccurate information to Rajya Sabha on auction advice -Dhananjay Mahapatra
-The Times of India In a major embarrassment, the Centre on Thursday admitted to have inaccurately informed the Rajya Sabha on August 9 that it had accepted Ashok Chawla Committee's recommendation to take the auction route for allocation of natural resources. The government told the Supreme Court that the finance ministry was taking steps to correct the information given to Rajya Sabha on Chawla Committee recommendations, which were still under consideration and...
More »Former judges call for commutation of death penalty
-The Hindu 13 men face death penalty even though the Supreme Court says they were erroneously sentenced Over six weeks after a Maharashtra court ruled that Ankush Maruti Shinde was wrongly sentenced to death, as he was a juvenile when the crime was committed, he is still stuck in the death row ward of a Nagpur jail. In fact, the Supreme Court itself had ruled that the judgment was rendered per incuriam...
More »At centre of stirs against graft, a body with RSS links, ex-babus-Manoj CG
-The Indian Express A high profile institute-cum-think tank in the heart of New Delhi’s diplomatic area in Chanakyapuri, set up on land allotted by the then Narasimha Rao government, a clutch of former intelligence officials running the place, and a group of well-known RSS swayamsewaks — they are the silent force behind the recent anti-corruption movements in the country, especially the one led by Baba Ramdev. In fact, it was at the...
More »Where the mind should have no fear-Brinda Karat
-The Hindu The listing of the Protection of Women Against Sexual Harassment at Workplace Bill for discussion and adoption in the current session of Parliament is a welcome step. It is also welcome that the government has reversed its earlier unjustifiable position of keeping domestic workers outside the purview of the proposed legislation. Amendments moved on August 7 now include these sections of working women in a sector which has seen...
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