Two months after the Commonwealth Games (CWG) ended amid allegations of major financial wrongdoings, the CBI Friday raided Organising Committee chairman Suresh Kalmadi's homes in New Delhi and Pune and the Games office here. The Central Bureau of Investigation said teams of officers searched Kalmadi's residences and that of an aide also in Pune. 'The raids began early morning today. A total of four locations were raided in Delhi and Pune. We...
Saikat Dutta, Vinita Kamte among RTI award winners by Vidya Subrahmaniam
Saikat Dutta of The Outlook magazine and Vinita Kamte, wife of killed Mumbai police officer Ashok Kamte, are among the seven winners of this year's National RTI Awards, announced on Monday by the Public Cause Research Foundation. The foundation also organised a ceremony to honour the 10 RTI activists who were killed this year. The awards were decided by a jury consisting, among others, of Infosys founder N.R. Narayana Murthy; the former...
More »Protest outside, adjournment inside
The office of the Punjab Information Commission witnessed a paradox of sorts today. Outside, members of the RTI Activists’ Federation, Punjab, were staging a protest against the Commission for not imposing penalty and stretching cases for years, thereby making justice under the RTI Act a long haul. But inside, a case got adjourned because the counsel for one of the parties was leading the protest outside. After their charter of demands...
More »Do Cities Import Crime? by Neelabh Mishra
In the capital of migrants, crime and loose tongues that is Delhi, it wasn’t unusual that Union home minister P. Chidambaram made the lazy connection that migrants are responsible for the city’s rising crime graph. After all, chief minister Sheila Dikshit has also done that before—only to recant when it was met with outrage, the way Chidambaram eventually did. That leaders at Chidambaram’s and Sheila’s level could be so simplistic...
More »Chilli message for molesters by Imran Ahmed Siddiqui
Carry red chilli spray to feel safe in Delhi, a doctor and her 28 friends are telling women.Through camps in colleges and neighbourhoods, the group has over the past fortnight been spreading awareness about the use of chilli powder as a weapon of self-defence.“Carry a pack of red chillies in the bag and blind an assailant,” said Seema Malik, a doctor who has launched the Mirchi Jhonk campaign, possibly inspired...
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