-The Times of India It has become fashionable to announce the setting up of new AIIMS or AIIMS-like institutes in every annual union budget. After the first six were announced in 2006, finance minister Arun Jaitley announced the setting up of four more in the last budget and another six in the current one, taking the total number to 16, not counting the original one in Delhi. While announcing new AIIMS...
Free speech Ver.2.0 -Lawrence Liang
-The Hindu With its judgment to strike down a legal provision for violating freedom of speech, the Supreme Court has paved the way for thoughtful jurisprudence in the age of the Internet While describing Sec.124A of the IPC (sedition) as the "prince among the political sections designed to suppress the liberty of the citizen", Mahatma Gandhi offered us an ironic way of thinking about liberty-curbing laws through the metaphor of illegal tyrants....
More »The nuts and bolts of skill development -Kumar Vivek & Radhika Kapoor
-The Hindu For any skill development effort to succeed, markets and industry need to play a large role in determining courses, curriculum and relevance The Union Budget 2015 paved way for the launch of a much-awaited National Skills Mission to complement Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ‘Skill India' and ‘Make in India' exhortations. However, much work needs to be done on the ground for the government to prove that this step is a...
More »India among 5 nations accounting for half of world’s hungry -Tomojit Basu
-The Hindu Business Line India measures poorest in terms of stunted children at 47.9% NEW DELHI: Five middle-income countries (MICs) which displayed strong economic growth in 2014 - India, Brazil, China, Mexico and Indonesia - account for 363 million, or a half, of the world's hungry, according to a report released on Wednesday by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). The 2014-2015 Global Food Policy Report (GFPR) called on Governments of these...
More »How not to treat agriculture -Jayati Ghosh
-Frontline If Budget 2015 is any indication, the Modi government is going beyond what could be called benign neglect of agriculture to policy moves that are likely to harm its viability. IT is scarcely surprising that farmers are upset with the Narendra Modi government. Indeed, the rosy dreams created by that famous campaign advertisement of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), when farmers spoke of the high crop prices and better cultivation conditions...
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