-The Hindu The CBI, expanding its coalgate probe, has launched investigations against 300-odd companies and begun questioning officials of the Steel, coal and Power departments, the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, the Central Mine Planning and Design Institute Limited and the state-run coal India Limited on allocation of coal blocks between 1993 and 2008. The CBI has laid hands on nearly 700 files from the coal Ministry, running into 1,60,000 pages,...
Centre has sole right to allocate major minerals: coal Ministry-Samanwaya Rautray & Meera Mohanty
-The Economic Times The coal ministry, in an affidavit to the Supreme Court, has said that it has the sole legal right to allocate coal blocks even as the state governments own the blocks and eventually grant the mining leases. In response to the query of the apex court, which questioned the ministry's authority in this regard, the coal ministry said that though there was no express statutory provision, a combined reading...
More »At Harvard, CAG slams government, netas
-The Times of India Harvard's prestigious Kennedy School on Thursday provided the setting forComptroller and Auditor General (CAG) Vinod Rai to hit out at the Manmohan Singhgovernment for attempting to reduce the federal auditor to a mere accountant with no real role in auditing policy. Speaking at the school of public affairs, Rai made an indirect but unmistakable reference to the government's criticism of the CAG's 2G report, saying, "We were...
More »The caste club -Jaideep Mazumdar
-The Times of India Sociologist Ashis Nandy's controversial words at the Jaipur lit fest are being debated heatedly but there is one thing that is difficult to argue with: there is a lack of representation from the backward classes and tribals in the upper echelons of power in West Bengal. Over the last 100 years, he said, "nobody from the other backward classes (OBCs), the backward classes, the scheduled castes and...
More »Confused over Aadhaar, Cabinet sets up GoM
-The Economic Times Confusion over whether the unique identity number is a number, a card or both, and concerns over the UID and the National Population Register duplicating data prompted the Cabinet to refer UPA-2 's ambitious project to a group of ministers. The discussion on Thursday revealed that the Cabinet was not immune to contradictory and blurred perceptions about Aadhaar, as UID is known, with some ministers saying they had received...
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