-The Times of India With the Prime Minister himself taking up the broom along with his cabinet colleagues, BJP cadres and lakhs of government employees, the Swachh Bharat (Clean India) campaign got off to an energetic start on Thursday. But a look at the jaw-dropping dimensions of the problem makes one wonder whether Modi really has a chance to meet his target to clean up India by 2019? Here are some sobering...
Coverage of antenatal care in India has to be increased: WHO -R Prasad
-The Hindu "Antenatal care is very important for health workers to detect mothers with obesity or diabetes... both specific risks during pregnancy," says Dr. Flavia Bustreo, Assistant Director General at WHO. In 2013, globally, preterm birth complications were responsible for 15 per cent (0.96 million) of deaths in children under five years of age. It is a leading cause of death in neonates (0-27 days after birth). According to WHO, about 15...
More »New buildings keep guzzling, small steps at home giant leap for energy saving -Amitabh Sinha
-The Indian Express All the extra money that you spent on installing CFL lights in your homes, in buying new LED television sets, and on five-star rated air-conditioners and refrigerators instead of three-star ones, have proved to be worthwhile, having resulted in huge energy savings for India in the last decade. Between 2000 and 2011, a total of 791 million tonnes of oil equivalent energy was saved, thanks to measures like...
More »Kisan Mandi to open direct selling window for farmers in Delhi -Somesh Jha
-The Business Standard Market to help farmers directly reach wholesalers and retailers New Delhi: Deepak Sharma, a third-generation farmer in Jammu, will no longer have to pay steep commissions when he next visits Delhi to sell his produce, thanks to the new market in Alipur here. Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh on Thursday laid the foundation stone of the Kisan Mandi in Alipur village for farmers like Sharma to sell fruit and vegetables...
More »Stop prescribing antibiotics for fever and cold, Indian Medical Association will tell doctors -Durgesh Nandan Jha
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Faced with the scary prospect of losing lives to simple infections in the future, India is finally waking up to the dangers of reckless antibiotic use. The Indian Medical Association, a pan-India voluntary organization of doctors, will on Sunday launch a nationwide awareness programme on overuse of these live-savers, a practice that has led to emergence of drug-resistant organisms. IMA will also ask fellow practitioners to...
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