In the Indian reform story, policies on land have been the least reformed one, said Ratan Tata on Monday. The Chairman of the Tata Group, whose company Tata Motors had to shift the production base for its Nano car from Singur in West Bengal to Sanand in Gujarat following continuous protests over land acquisition for the project, said political leaders should be able to strike the right balance in deciding...
State plans urban job scheme by NJ Nair
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The State government is gearing up to launch its own urban employment guarantee programme to provide 100 days of work a year to every poor family living in the Corporation and municipal areas. The thrust of the programme, to be implemented through the local self-government institutions, will be on the services sector and infrastructure development. Official sources told The Hindu here that flexibility would be the hallmark of the programme, which...
More »How many mouths to feed?
It used to be a quip in the 1970s that estimation of poverty in India is stymied by the poverty of estimation. The other joke was that far too many economists and statisticians had prospered trying to estimate poverty! So, we have yet another estimate of poverty in India. Rural poverty numbers for 2004-05 are up from the earlier estimate of 28.3 per cent to 41.8 per cent — with...
More »Local and global in Hyderabad by Sanjaya Baru
In his engaging book on a love affair between a Hyderabadi princess and an Englishman in the 18th century, William Dalrymple reminds us that “the road from Hyderabad to the port of Masulipatam was one of the most beautiful in the Deccan”. In unearthing this fact from travelogues of the time, Dalrymple draws attention not just to the wealth of Hyderabad, inherited from the richest kingdom of the Deccan, Golconda,...
More »World Bank’s $1b loan for JNNURM to come with strings
A team from the World Bank will be in New Delhi soon to work out the nitty-gritties of a $1-billion loan to the urban development ministry for carrying forward the cash-starved flagship scheme for upgrading Urban Infrastructure, the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM). There would, however, be conditionalities attached to the use of the fund as it would be reform-linked and only select states would get access to...
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