-The Hindu The focus of agriculture will shift from primary to secondary farm activities in the 12th Five Year Plan, S. Ayyappan, Director General Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), said here on Saturday. Speaking to the reporters after inaugurating a hostel for girls in the Institute of Food and Dairy Development of the Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS) at Koduvali near Red Hills, Dr. Ayyappan said secondary agriculture...
Growing water shortages carry economic risks that are as damaging as political corruption by Brahma Chellaney
Water is the most critical of all natural resources on which modern economies depend. Water scarcity and rapid economic advance cannot go hand-in-hand. Yet, with its per-capita water availability falling to 1,582 cu m per year, India has become water-stressed. In 1960, India signed a treaty indefinitely setting aside 80% of the Indus-system waters for downstream Pakistan - the most generous water-sharing pact thus far in modern world history. Its 1996...
More »Fight it drop by drop by Jairam Ramesh
India has just been taken off the World Health Organisation (WHO) list of polio-endemic countries. And if the success of not having a single new case over the past year is sustained for another two years, India will finally emerge as a polio-free country. The nation's public health administrators and international agencies deserve praise for this achievement. This is also perhaps just the right moment to recall the hands-on leadership role...
More »Millions of children in cities face poverty and exclusion-UN report
-The United Nations Hundreds of millions of children in cities across the world are growing up in poverty and enduring deprivation, according to a report unveiled today by the United Nations, spotlighting social exclusion and calling for measures to give the youngsters access to basic services and opportunities for a better future. ‘The State of the World’s Children 2012’ report released by the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), highlights the hardship that many...
More »Seed companies reap rich harvest on Bt cotton wave by Sanjeeb Mukherjee
Bt cotton has doubled the seed industry and boosted the fortunes of seed firms. But yields still need to improve In the last 10 years, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cotton and its impact on farmers has perhaps been the most talked about topic in Indian agriculture since the ‘Green Revolution’ of the 1960s and 1970s. Not only has farmers’ income from growing Bt cotton risen by almost 67 per cent in the...
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