Right to Information (RTI) activist, Santosh Daundkar, has filed a police complaint saying he was assaulted, allegedly by a builder’s men, at Mumbai Central on Saturday. Daundkar, 38, filed a first information report (FIR) with the Nagpada police on Saturday night claiming that he had been assaulted for trying to expose the builder’s illegal activities. The police have arrested 51-year-old Daniel Abraham in the case and are investigating Daundkar’s allegations. “At around 10.30pm,...
RTI activist: Builder’s men attacked me
Right to Information (RTI) activist, Santosh Daundkar, has filed a police complaint saying he was assaulted, allegedly by a builder’s men, at Mumbai Central on Saturday. Daundkar, 38, filed a first information report (FIR) with the Nagpada police on Saturday night claiming that he had been assaulted for trying to expose the builder’s illegal activities. The police have arrested 51-year-old Daniel Abraham in the case and are investigating Daundkar’s allegations. “At around 10.30pm,...
More »Kisan Credit Card: Allowing easy credit access to farmers by Ankit Sharma
Non availability of timely credit has been a major drawback for the agricultural sector of India. In a country which relies mostly on agriculture, constant endeavors are needed to see that rural and agricultural credit facilities are enhanced with time. As a part of these efforts, agricultural credit cards got introduced in the agricultural lending system. Similarly cash credit facility was also being offered by many banks. However, a major shortfall...
More »Poor paddy procurement adds to Bihar farmers' woes
Surinder Mahato is a worried man. A small farmer on the outskirts of Bihar's capital Patna, he laboured throughout last year's drought to ensure that his farm's output of rice was not affected. But he now stares in distress at the stacks of paddy lying in his hut. 'I am waiting to sell my crop, but due to the government negligence, I am forced to sell at throwaway prices to local...
More »Panel recommends fixing of MSP for forest produce
A high-level committee appointed to examine introduction of minimum support price (MSP) for non-timber forest produce has recommended that a central agency be constituted to fix MSP for the produce collected by tribals and the price be fixed keeping in mind wages paid under National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA), transportation cost, value addition to the produce and local market prices. The committee, which was appointed in August last year...
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